For Isaac: The Oddities from Home
This is for roomie Isaac. I kept telling my family that you didn't believe a lot of what the Philippines could have offered you. Here's a gallery I came up with. Check them out:
This one is a jeepney plying the highway. "Look ma, no view of the road ahead!" They actually pile them this much, and my Uncle was even telling me that they have not loaded the vehicle enough yet!

Then I went back to the Manila area, and stayed with some friends from school. Remember that naked statue that I told you was my University's emblem? Well . . .

Sumi should see this one. This is the kind of frog that I used to chop their heads off and cooked, and ate of course. This one I took a fancy in because by our standards, it's huge! These come out whenever they till the soil because they're usually in the ground waiting for the night time. Yummy!

'Til next!
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