It's Better than Eating Alone

Sunday, April 16, 2006


Today, I am officially alone. Tonight, I sleep with the lights off, and nobody else will be in the room. My roomate left me.

Roomie Isaac was supposed to leave like more than a month from now, but suddenly, a new calling comes to him. He is taking over a class at the academy, a campus that is about 30 minutes drive from town, and has chosen to spend his last remaining weeks in another person's house, inside the campus, for convenience. Alas! Both of us are sad.

So here I am again, alone. "All by myself," and so the song goes. I guess it is inevitable. We will see each other still, laugh, and make nuances of ourselves. Yep, fun times are not over, yet. But in six weeks, that will all change. He will no longer be my roomate for real. He will have to board that plane. And he will run another course of his life, just like mine. Just like the rest of us.

I could now call you, bro.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


DC has this line of comics called Elseworlds, a play of their regular characters in non-mainstream, non-realtime orientations. I've never read one, but from synopses that I've gathered, it would actually be fun seeing Batman in some alternate universe, with an alternate identity, and alternate predicaments.

I wish I can be in my own Elseworld now. Things have been very fuzzy lately, and I sleep at night staring at the underside of Isaac's bunkbed, asking myself, "What would I do next?"

When somehow everything else becomes a blur and one can only wonder, I try to think of the last time I stepped out of my apartment and had no idea what was going to happen that day. Really, the wonders of uncertainty. But one can only hope and pray that we will understand better afterwards.

Time is short. And we all know it.